Download MetaTrader 4 to get the most convenient and powerful analytical tool for online trading and technical analysis of the foreign exchange markets. During the initial launch, you are automatically prompted to open a free demo account which allows you to test out all the features of this trading software. From this account you can gain valuable insights on what to do and what strategies to employ when you decide to go live. Once you have become accustomed to the software and learned how to use all of its features, you can purchase MetaTrader 4 and continue using it in your free online trading.
You may wonder why it is necessary to download MetaTrader 4 and begin using its platforms immediately after the trial period expires. The reason is simple - the developers of this software have taken great care in streamlining the execution mechanisms so that real-time trading is possible without any glitches. When you download MetaTrader 4, it will perform a series of checks to verify that you actually have a MetaTrader account and that your computer's security policy is compatible with it. If your security policy is not compatible, the software may refuse to open and execute trades. This security mechanism is important because it prevents other people from taking advantage of you. After all, if you can't access your trading system, who is going to offer you any kind of advice or assistance?
Another reason to download the MetaTrader 4 software is the number of tools that it provides for free. Among these include expert advisors and signal generators. These tools work hand in hand with your MetaTrader platform to give you the edge in the market place. These are also very useful when you decide to go live and start trading. The next time you need some assistance, it will be at your fingertips and you won't need to contact any brokers - everything will be taken care of by the expert advisors that come pre-installed on the MetaTrader 4 platform.